Admission to documentary school

Admission to documentary school

The call for admission to the 2025-2028 training cycle is open!

The admission is divided in two parts: the online one, which requires test materials and documentation, has a deadline set on January, 23. 2025.

By March, 3. 2025, ZeLIG will communicate the results of the online exam.

After that, 50 candidates will be invited to Bolzano, from May, 12. to May, 17. 2025, to take part to the on-site exam.

On May, 17., ZeLIG will communicate the final list of all the admitted students for the next three-years cycle 2025 - 2028.

The next three-year study cycle will start in autumn 2025. Here you can read our application procedure

At the following link you can start your application!

The three-years cycle includes a first year for all students, where introductory seminars to different topics (history of cinema, photography, sound, editing, writing) alternate with in-depth seminars and moments of practical exercise. At the end of the first year, an exam will be held to set up the three specialisation classes.

The second year includes specific seminars for each of the three classes and joint seminars; furthermore, in addition to the various practical exercises of the individual seminars, the production of at least two short films in groups is foreseen. The year ends with the beginning of the research and development of graduation films.

The third year is entirely dedicated to the production of the graduation films: development, writing, pitch, production, post-production. The three-year cycle ends with the final exam and with the preparation of a distribution plan for each single graduation film.