Susan Gray


"After teaching at the ZeLIG film school for ten years now, I can honestly say that I adore this place and everyone in it and I look forward eagerly to the next time I will be at ZeLIG to teach.  It is quite a miracle that such a dedicated group of people have come together in such a special part of the world with the sole mission of turning out high quality, committed social documentary filmmakers.  Over decades of refining their teaching, the school has assembled the best teachers in the field, made a conscious decision to do away with Fiction Film studies to concentrates solely on the craft of documentary filmmaking, and has figured out how to make students the best at what they do. I have thoroughly enjoyed the students who have passed through my class, many of whom I still keep in touch with today.  Just when I think it is impossible for the program or the students to get any better, I am delighted to learn that I am wrong. Professionally, I run into ZeLIG students and the films they produce all the time at festivals and markets.  It is truly a positive, active learning program in a family environment that has a profoundly positive impact on those who go through it.  And I firmly believe the world is a better place because ZeLIG and the students it turns out, are in it."