Nel fine settimana tra venerdì 20 e domenica 22 novembre 2020, la Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano intraprende un'importante iniziativa di contrasto al diffondersi del contagio da SARS CoV-2: testare tutta la popolazione residente per avere una stima esatta di persone colpite dal virus.
Nelle operazioni, coordinate dalla Protezione Civile e dall'Azienda Sanitaria locale, sono coinvolti circa 1000 tra medici e infermieri e circa 1500 operatori ogni giorno, e risulteranno 362.050 i cittadini che, al termine, avranno partecipato.
Gli studenti della ZeLIG, come attività pratica nel loro percorso di formazione, documentano quelle giornate: divisi in 8 team, realizzano così 8 brevi documentari, ognuno dei quali, con uno sguardo originale, libero e autonomo, racconta un aspetto particolare di questa importante iniziativa di sanità pubblica che rimarrà nella memoria della popolazione locale.
by Chiara Capo, Anna Schweitzer, Giovanni Mistroni
In una realtà all’apparenza distorta, spoglia di vita, l’alba porta con sé le inquietudini sul futuro degli uomini. Nel buio della notte riecheggia una voce. Parla alla folla che si ritrova nel rito comune dell’attesa.
by Kaspar Panizza, Lorenzo Covi
Erwin è un volontario della Croce Rossa. Durante le giornate di screening di massa è stato il responsabile e coordinatore del più grande punto di test di tutta la Provincia di Bolzano.
by Kyrylo Naumko, Margherita Duca, Emanuele Vernillo
Estratti di interviste agli abitanti di Bolzano condotte durante i test, su amore, morte e speranza.
by Antonio Catanese, Felix Rier, Angela Disanto
Uno sguardo all'interno del laboratorio di microbiologia e virologia mentre lavora a pieno regime nel picco dell'emergenza sanitaria.
by Marija Stefánija Linuža, Hannah Hütter, Emanuele Vernillo
Birgit è un'infermiera impegnata nella somministrazione di tamponi, sin dall'inizio della pandemia. Ci racconta dell'amore per il suo lavoro, dei timori legati al periodo e della speranza di poter tornare ad abbracciare presto i propri cari.
by Otto Reuschel, Nicola Maccanetti, Andrea Tomarchio
In pochi giorni Bolzano si prepara ad un imponente screening di massa. Tra le migliaia di lavoratori impegnati, Verena, un'infermiera, si trova coinvolta nell’evento.
by Matilde Ramini, Julia Inderst, Alessandra Bassi
Una reporter di fama nazionale si trova in Alto Adige per raccontare lo svolgimento degli screening di massa.
by Lilian Sassanelli, Giordano Di Stasio, Lucija Ana Ilijić
Come fanno i giovani a innamorarsi ai tempi del covid? Che prospettive hanno per il futuro? Il film indaga su queste domande spaziando fra quattro generazioni.
On 9 March 2020, the Italian government imposed a national quarantine, restricting the movement of the population except for necessity, work, and health circumstances.
During this time, the students of ZeLIG School for Documentary were separated in their own homes, yet they were still attending online classes together.
During her online seminar, Marzia Mete proposed to tackle the whole situation with a different attitude. The idea was to turn these adverse times into a chance for our students to reflect and react to the events in a creative way, with an open cinematographic approach. "Remotely / Related" is the collection of the realised shorts, films that focus on going deeper in the emotions arising from the lockdown, telling the unfolding events from their own particular perspective.
by Kyrylo Naumko
What do you do if you came to Italy to study and ended up locked in a small apartment in the heart of the world pandemic? Shoot a movie about it!
Inside my apartment there are me and my girlfriend. We try to keep leading an ordinary life, but from time to time it is still influenced by the external.
The film is my reflections on what and how has changed in our lives during this time and how we deal with it.
by Margherita Duca, Marija Stefánija Linuža
Una riflessione sulle conseguenze dei ritmi e abitudini dell'essere umano.
by Lilian Sassanelli, Angela Disanto
It’s a film about a young woman observing her neighbours from the balcony during the lockdown due to COVID-19. As she starts to follow their habits with a camera, she comes up with the idea of filming also herself. Observing the others, looking for some life outside, she is searching for a way to understand better the life in herself.
by Matilde Ramini
Coming back from Berlin four years later I have filmed the flow of the landscape. The four walls I have found on my arrival turned into a space for a personal reflection on leaving and staying.
by Lorenzo Covi
A normal day, at a not so normal time.
A look at the lockdown with the eyes of someone who, closed at home, can truly be himself, but that at the same time reflects about some of the contradictions in the historical moment he’s living.
by Antonio Catanese
A Grand Bizarre of what is on the internet; after a rigorous statistical search comes out a non-rigorous empirical work. A compilation of viral videos that delighted the editor’s sister but not the granny…
If you enjoy please put a like and subscribe to my channel.
by Nicola Maccanetti
L'indugiare della nostra società, confrontata con la paura della malattia, per riscoprire il ritmo intrinseco di ciò che ci circonda.
by Leonardo Minati
In the middle of this pandemic, a minor health problem forced me to move back from the town to the country, to my parents’ house. There I realized that all those things (the worldwide outbreak and my return to my parents) were happening in the middle of spring. I stopped paying attention to the news and I started collecting little pictures and sounds from our garden. This small film is the result of my observation.
by Julien Mounier
When the present disappears, only the melancholy of memories and the uncertainty of the future remain.
by Alessandra Bassi
During the lockdown due to Covid-19 a girl is astonished at how her house suddenly seems to be shrouded in immobility and loneliness.
In the muffled atmosphere of the village where she lives, the days are one similar to each other but the passing of hours does not expand: the night arrives punctually and somehow unexpected. Without music or voices, the animated twittering and the noises of everyday life are the only rhythms of time, which flows unchanged.
The camera stays in a room looking for movement in the stillness.
by Chiara Capo
Time as an endless hiccup, it expands, it contracts. Despite the global surface seems freeze, apparently suspended, the life of four roommates keeps floating among uncertainties and folly.
by Hannah Hütter, Tobias Lercher
"Self" is put to a hard test under stress and runs the risk of the balance.
by Marco Di Liello
Una mattina come tante, una coppia, due cani e una tv.
In casa, l'immobilità della vita è scandita da gesti, suoni, attese, pasti repentini.
Fuori campo un lavoro indispensabile.
Al calar del sole ci si ritrova.
by Andrea Tomarchio
In the building next to the apartment of 3 guys, a reception center deals with the Coronavirus emergency in its own way. Two things make the realities extremely similar: quarantine and a foosball table.
by Giovanni Mistroni, Giordano Di Stasio
Le case durante la quarantena si trasformano in prigioni. La finestra serve a separare dal mondo esterno, o ne è un accesso?
The deadline to apply to ESoDoc 2020 has been EXTENDED! The new deadline for application is FEBRUARY 28, 2020!
"Becoming me" by ZeLIG graduate and former ESoDoc participant Martine de Biasi won 2 prizes at the Bolzano Filmfestival Bozen.
On Monday the 4th of February at 11:30am CET we will held an "Ask Me Anything" session regarding ESoDoc 2019.
These are the 9 graduation films which were presented on October 9, in the framework of the ZeLIG Pitching Week, which will realised in the next months.